Tag Archives: fear

The meat of life is for sharing… Wednesday, October 29, 2014 / Lille, France #SchwervonPoetry

I am a bird
Kakaww. Kakaww.
L’oiseaux ce moi.

It’s a Charlie Brown
Kind of day.

There is alway a path for fear
Sometimes you can taste it
Like sugar in the frosting
Of an expensive pastery

And sometimes
it is a smell
Like the tired dead skin
That collects behind the ears
Of an old man

The greatest fear is that
It is all for nothing

All the work and the stress
Worth nothing more than the energy
Burned in the process

It is why some live their lives
As though they were being filmed
Each second
of each day

We fill our blood with fire
And dance away the monster
We let our hearts share the space

The meat of life is for sharing
We consume our little deaths
Together, with strangers, like family
Like music.

(This poem was originally recited on October 29, 2014 at Bar L’imposture in Lille, France)