Monthly Archives: December 2013

Happy Wolf New Year

2013_12_07 0231 SCHWERVON

photo by Todd Zimmer

Dances With Wolves

Pizza Underground Holiday Playlist on Bon Appetit features “Dinner”

The Pizza Undergound’s holiday playlist on features songs by Schwervon!, Phoebe Kreutz, Har Mar Superstar, Jeffrey Lewis, Ching Chong Song, The Happy Rappies and more!

Show Poem: Merry Christmas Asshole: The Sandbox (Vinyl Renaissance) w/ Medicine Theory + Dated

Merry Christmas asshole. Merry Christmas homophobic, capitalist loving, over privileged, welfare dissing, self centered, dog shit stained station wagon roof driving, silk tie wearing, segregating, honky. Merry Christmas: Fox news watching, fake smiling, rich, real man, oil worshiping, porn addicted, gun humping, market watching, Christian racist, hypocrite. Merry Christmas friend shooting, family neglecting, cat hitting, Chick Filet eating, Duck Dynasty TEVOing, fake breasted bleach-blond prostitute fucking, tax break receiving, business venerating, war loving, government hating, neighbor watching, Denis Miller, Bill O’Riley, Glen Beck, Vladimir Putin, foursome fantasizing, flag waving, fascist. Merry Christmas asshole.

You’ve had quite a year. And you’ve been such a good boy little boy, I got you some real special Christmas presents. First off , for Santa, I’ve left a tall frosty glass of Edward Snowden with a big fat Obamacare cookie for you to munch on. If you take a look under the tree you’ll find some other special presents. I got you a shiny red gay marriage bicycle with some Occupy toy soldiers and an endless supply of Pussy Riot dolls. If you look further you’ll see a yummy Noam Chomsky candy cane and a big fat legalized Marijuana football. Also a beautiful and delicious Rachel Maddow, Elizabeth Warren, Kim Gordon fruitcake. And if you’re really really good you just might get that Official Red Rider, 200 shot, range model pump action Miley Cyrus air riffle.

So Happy Holidays asshole. Enjoy it while it lasts We’ll still be here in 2014 to fill your year with real fairies of real love and real dance and plenty of noise to wake you from your deep lost sleep.

photo by Rod Peal